Pandemic Play Along - Covid19 Minimizer BINGO Cards
It's fall 2022. The Winter of our Dystopian Plague is upon us. We have a sustained SARS-CoV-2 surge, hundreds of deaths per day, abandonment of all mitigation strategies save the pharmaceutical ones, immune-evasive variants that render some of those pharmaceutical interventions useless, multiple circulating variants (variant soup), pediatric wards full of sick kids, and minimizers as far as the eye can see. Oh the minimizers. They infest every level of government and the media.
Might as well hunker down as much as we are able, fire up the Corsi-Rosenthal box, and play some games until spring - because this winter is comin' in like Hannah Montana.

Covid19 Minimizer BINGO Cards may be saved and disseminated by clean air lovers everywhere.
U.S. Versions 1 & 2

O Canada Edition

U.K. Edition

Enjoy, mask up, and stay safe out there!